As a software engineer, I should be able to share my ideas...

1 min read
As a software engineer, I should be able to share my ideas...

Hi there!!!

I am Ronie Martinez, a Senior Software Engineer from the Philippines.

This site,, was originally a website for my CV. I was also maintaining another blogging site for the Python programming language which is my specialization.

Outside of work, I contribute to the open source community on my free time. I have several open source projects which I maintain on Github and several ideas which I am about to start and share here in the future.

My first programming language

I learned C++ from the academe. I liked it even though my degree in Electronics Engineering was not really focused on software development. By the time I was taking courses on C++, I downloaded a book from the internet and had it printed. It was a hard start because I cannot afford a good internet and a laptop, but my passion to learn programming helped me start my career in software development.

My first open source project was libqpsd, a PSD (Photoshop Document) & PSB (Photoshop Big) Plugin for Qt/C++ (Qt4/Qt5). Several tools like nomacs and Seer used it. I loved how the community adopted and used my project which inspired me to contribute more.

Specializing in Python

I have worked, professionally, with several programming languages like C/C++, Perl, Web (HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery), Java, Python. The speed of how I can develop applications with Python really mattered to me which made me focus my specialization on this language. Over the years, I have made several Python contributions and projects for the open source community.

As a software engineer, I should be able to share my ideas...

I will be writing articles about software development which will contain my experiences in this industry. I believe writing helps other people who wants to start their career in software engineering.

I will start by migrating my Python-based articles from my other website for the next few days.


Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

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