Step 1 - Buy a domain name from

You can buy a domain name as cheap as $1 per year. Prices of domain names depend on a lot of factors but these are the most common reasons why some are expensive:

  1. Top-Level Domain (TLD) like .com are one of the most expensive domain names. The cheapest domain names are around $8.88.
  2. The shorter the domain name, the more expensive its. Think of domain names like, (twitter), etc. For example, my domain name costs around $35 when I bought it (because there was a discount).
  3. One-word domain names are expensive. For example, was sold at $30 million.

Step 2 - Create a DigitalOcean Account

Create a DigitalOcean account for your web hosting. You may use my referral link here.

Step 3 - Create a Droplet

You may skip this step if you do not need it yet. Later, you will need to point your domain name to a droplet after setting the DNS.

Click Get Started with a Droplet.

The cheapest plan costs at around $5 per month and that will be enough to setup a simple web server.

Step 4 - Setup DNS

  1. In DigitalOcean dashboard, click Networking, enter your domain name you bought from Press Add Domain button.

2. Under HOSTNAME, enter "@" and select the droplet in WILL DIRECT TO input then click Create Record button.

3. Login to your dashboard, find your domain name and click Manage button. Under Domain > NAMESERVERS, select Custom DNS and enter the following and click a check button that will popup beside Custom DNS:

STEP 5 - Verify

By default DNS will propagate after about 24 hours but based on my experience, it will just take a few minutes with Namecheap and DigitalOcean. Since most droplets come with Nginx installed, you will see the following when you navigate your browser to your domain (e.g. If you are not successful, wait for a few hours up to 24 hours then try again.